Mslexia Flash

Sadly I didn't win the Mslexia Facebook Flash quickie but on the upside, I can now share my entry with y'all.

Rules: 250 words on theme of 'opportunity'

Tell me what you think in the comments below :-)

When the posh white envelope landed importantly on the doormat I thought my dreams had come true. After months and months of trying and failing to find a job, here was an offer of one delivered direct.
I took the job eagerly, despite not knowing much about it. But the money was unbelievable, and I was tired of living on cold beans and dry toast. My hunger for real food and proper coffee smothered the logical part of my brain; the part with concerns I should have listened to.
I've been here a week and besides the gnarly old man who greeted me - and unbeknownst to me at the time, lock me in - I had seen no one.
But I'd heard someone. A few someones to be exact.
I've searched many times but found no one. Nor any traces of other people and that's what scares me, because every night I hear them. Talking. Groaning. Moving things. I try to sleep but I'm scared. The days aren't much easier. Cackling laughter resounds and very close calls await me as I go about my work. A mirror exploded as I went by and a chandelier nigh on crushed me yesterday, and still I stay. Not for the money - no amount is worth this terror. But ...
Because I can't escape.
I've tried.
I now realise I'm trapped here until the end - of the 6 week occupation ... or my life!


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